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PCC Governance Notes

The Parish has a full complement of PCC members in place all of whom regularly attend services.

The Parish appoints two Churchwardens each year at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

The Parish has an appointed Safeguarding Officer

The PCC comprises of: The incumbent, Two Churchwardens, one Deanery Synod representatives and nine PCC members as required by Church Regulations as a ratio of the number of people registered on the Electoral Role which currently stands at 81 members (as at December 2023).

The PCC meets on average ten times during the course of a year. The meetings are Chaired by the Incumbent, a Churchwarden or the Lay Vice-Chair, dependent on availability. Total attendance of members at the meetings varies between 79% to 85%.

There are a number of sub committees (known as Panels) of the PCC which hold a Brief for different areas of Parish work. These panels are made up of PCC members and members of the congregation.

Currently the panels meet to cover Church Fabric, Finance, Mission, Elders, Social and Fund Raising, Ascension and Akenham Churches, and Whitton Youth Partnership. The parish operates very much as a team with no single person burdened with sole responsibility for any one area of work.

The Parish is regularly represented at Deanery Synod meetings by our representatives. A report of the proceedings is given at the PCC meetings. The Parish is represented by the Treasurer at the Parish Share allocation meetings.

The administration and paperwork of the parish is undertaken by a team comprising of an administrator, Secretary, treasurer and cashier along with others whose skills can be called upon as and when required. All of these roles are undertaken in a voluntary capacity. Record Keeping is efficient and up to date.

All necessary PCC policies are in place and are regularly reviewed and updated at meetings as required. The Child Protection Policy is adhered to and reviewed in accordance with requirements.

The Parish has a detailed Health and Safety policy which is reviewed on a regular basis at PCC meetings. There is an Accident Book located at each of the Parish Buildings and this is also reviewed at each PCC meeting, and action taken if necessary.

The Inventory, Log Book and Terrier are all kept up to date and are presented at the Archdeacons Visitation. An Annual Report and Accounts is prepared at the end of each year and are approved by the PCC for examination at he APCM. The Parish Registrars are completed correctly and quarterly returns are made to the registrar.

Graveyard plans are held and are updated when necessary.

All fee income is recorded diligently by the Cashier and Treasurer in accordance with our cash handling policy.

The Parish is part of a legally formed benefice although currently presentation is suspended.

A review of the Ascension Building has recently been carried out which has revealed that the current condition is in a challenging situation but has the possibility to offer possibilities in the future.

Human Resources are shared between churches in the Parish, although there is a need to look at succession planning for Lay officers of the Parish.